The eyes are our most important sensory organs, both complex and sensitive. Many eye diseases may affect our vision, bringing terrible consequences to the way we perceive the world around us. These include harmless eye diseases such as chronic dry eye, vitreous opacities, and ...Learn More

Amerigo Scientific is excited to announce the addition of magnetic silica beads to its range of nucleic acid extraction and purification tools. New York, United States—March 25, 2024—Amerigo Scientific, a distributor focused on providing critical products and services to ...Learn More

The Chelator in RDC (Radionuclide Drug Conjugate) is used to link the radionuclide and the targeting molecule in order to integrate the targeting and effectiveness of RDC. A number of chelators are now applied in the conjugation process.Rdcthera offers chelators screening and ...Learn More

Why need viral vector characterization?Cell and gene therapies for various rare diseases are currently undergoing clinical trials worldwide. The rapid development in this field has led to an increase in regulatory scrutiny and product characterization requirements, as well as a ...Learn More

The ability to overexpress genes in microorganisms has revolutionized the field of synthetic biology. Gene overexpression involves the production of large quantities of target proteins by increasing the transcription and translation of the gene of interest. This technique has been ...Learn More

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