
Gene & Cell Therapy

Gene therapy involves the transfer of genetic material and the uptake of the gene into the appropriate cells of the body. Cell therapy involves the transfer of cells with the relevant function into the patient.

What is Graphene?Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial composed of carbon atoms in a hexagonal honeycomb lattice with special hybrid orbitals. It has excellent optical, electrical, and mechanical properties. Materials with light weight, strongest toughness, best light ...Learn More

Karyotype analysis refers to the pairing and grouping of chromosomes to reveal whether the organism accords with the inherent chromosomal characteristics, to determine if the organism has chromosomal abnormalities. Karyotype analysis can detect whether there are abnormalities in ...Learn More

In recent years, various nucleic acid-based therapies (NBT) have emerged as effective and specific activators of endogenous gene expression. Unlike gene therapy approaches supplementing gene expression, RNA-targeted therapy enhances protein production by selectively modulating ...Learn More

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Rare diseases are characterized by their low prevalence, affecting a small number of people across the world. These diseases often come with significant challenges, including accurate diagnosis, availability of effective treatments, and limited resources for research and ...Learn More

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